Trang - 19th-20th March


By far the most arbitrary of holiday destinations. We picked to spend a night here just to break the travel from Koh Lanta to KL, or we would have been on busses and trains for over 24 hours. Trang wasn’t too bad, but not a sight-seeing town. The hotel was comfortable there were plenty of random restaurants along the streets and the ubiquitous American Seven Eleven if things got tight.

Trang (1) Trang (2)

Classy modern décor

Clearly they had made an effort with the front of the fridge painted

Trang (3) Trang (5)

But this tapestry was a little weird

The hotel’s front facade at night

Trang (4) Trang (6)

We got to have a lie-in for a change, and that meant sending the early rising, boisterous Cath out. For something, anything, yes ice-cream!

Little water feature at the bottom of the hotel stairs

We spent one night and left the next day for the bus ride to Hat Yai train station to catch the overnight train to K.L. Hat Yai, interestingly, has just been in the news following 3 bomb blasts by extremists in the area. So glad we made it then…

Kuala Lumpur (1) Kuala Lumpur (3)

Cap on, ready for the bus trip to Hat Yai

And on the platform, stocking up on snacks for the train journey to KL

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you describe Cath.... :)
